Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back to Blogging

  Well, after about a year and a half hiatus I have finally entered back into the blogosphere! I do love blogging so, mainly because it acts as a public diary where I have an easy place to go back and look at old memories and photos, and all my family and friends can keep up with us as well. Sooo...what's new....Everything!!! Grace finished up her fall season of soccer weekend before last, and is now left with her dance class to keep her busy. This suits Miss G just fine because she absolutely adores dance! She is practicing for kindergarten next year (tear), and just being her same sweet, silly self.

  As for me there have been some changes also. I have taken up sewing and bow-making and turned it into somewhat of a second job. It started as wanting to make all the things I couldn't afford to dress G in and has grown from there. I am very blessed with the opportunities I have been given, as well as the support from my family and bf. I consider myself lucky to actually make an income from something that is so fun, and look forward to my future plans and projects.

 Well, that is an extremely brief overview of our lives, just to try to bring everyone up-to-date from when I stopped blogging before, and to introduce a little of our selves to the new blog readers. I will be blogging about Halloween and fall in the next few posts along with some of mine and G's day to day activities. Happy blogging : ) 

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