Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"A Little Snow White" it the candy, the excuse to dress up in anything you want(and then actually go out in public in it), or the good-spirited mischief (rolling, forking yards, saran-wrapping vehicles)? I don't know what makes everyone else love Halloween but for me it's easy-watching G ; ) She dresses up like it's Halloween everyday anyway, yep and we just added to our vast array of dress-up clothes by hitting up the Wal-Mart clearance costumes. This has become some sort of tradition for us. This year's selections were a spanish senorita, a bride, two southern belle outfits, and a  "harem" genie ; )  She REALLY wanted Ariel, but we couldn't find her size.

    With so many options everyday I wondered what she would want to be when it came time for Halloween. She debated this alot. For awhile I was pretty sure I was going to be escorting a mini Justin Beiber, oh yes we had the outfit and everything ready. In the end though she opted for what she called "a little Snow White". A perfect choice, and might I say did she ever look cute! We were worried she might not get to trick-or-treat b/c she ran a high temp the night before. This was breaking my heart, I couldn't stand to think of her being dissapointed, and had already decided friends and family would come over and "trick-or-treat" her. I mean why not, she is after all only MY WORLD, and if she couldn't go out and get her candy by golly we were going to bring it to her!

   Luckily, with lots of rest and medicine, she was able to get out there and fill her little bag to the brim! She loves going to Trunk or Treat at the church, and she was still going strong after most houses had turned their lights out for the night. She loaded up on candy, I even found her little stash she had set aside in her room for a rainy day....hahahaha, that girl.


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